Child and Family Care

At Pitt, we are committed to offering convenient opportunities that provide care for our employees and their families. Employees can explore and utilize the University's array of resources to best care for themselves and their loved ones, from after-school care for children to finding care options for elderly family members. Partnership offers a network of providers and options to assist with needs such as after-school care, caring for a child who is home sick, caring for children while you are working from home, caring for aging parents, and more.

Children on a slide

Boys & Girls Club (BGCWPA) Partnership

Pitt faculty, staff, and graduate students can enroll children aged 3-5 in the BGCWPA’s Great Futures Preschool program at BGCWPA’s Carnegie Clubhouse or Estelle S. Campbell Lawrenceville Clubhouse. Enrollment is subject to space availability.

University Child Development Center (UCDC)

UCDC serves the University community by providing high quality early childhood programs/child care for children ranging in age from six weeks through five years of age. The Center exists to encourage and support each child to grow to his fullest potential in all areas of development, thus creating a positive self concept and a realistic opportunity for success in life.

Life Solutions

Life Solutions, the University's Faculty and Staff Assistance Program, offers a variety of resources and services to assist with employees' lives within and beyond the workplace.

Oakland neighborhood

Caring for Family at All Stages of Life

Family plays an important role in the lives of our faculty, staff and students. Pitt offers many resources for care throughout all stages of life: from a healthy pregnancy to caring for an aging parent.

Parents-To-Be and New Parents

From preparing to start a family to becoming new parents, the University offers a variety of resources—from finding a doctor to adding your new addition to your coverage to understanding your options for leaves and support.

Leaves of Absence and Time Off

The University of Pittsburgh aims to be as accommodating as possible. To achieve this goal, Pitt offers multiple options for leaves of absence and time off.