Enrolling in student medical, dental, and vision coverage is simple. Enrollment in coverage is handled through an online service provided by Benefitsolver.
For information about your eligibility for enrolling in specific student health plans, visit Student Health Plans. For information on making changes to your benefits elections, visit Changing Your Student Health Insurance.
Please Note: Student coverage does not automatically continue each academic year. Re-enrollment is required every fall to maintain active coverage. All coverage ends 8/31 without re-enrollment.
Questions about student health coverage? For general plan inquiries, contact the University's Benefits Department by calling 833-852-2210 or submit an inquiry online. For enrollment questions, contact UPMC Health Plan by calling 1-888-499-6885.
Enrollment and Coverage Dates for Academic Year 2024 - 2025
(Current Plan Year, beginning September 1, 2024)
Payments are due on on the 3rd of each month. Autopayments will be processed on the 3rd day of the month the coverage is for (i.e., October 3rd payment is for September coverage).
*Note: Graduate students with academic appointments, Fellows and Certificate Trainees (as Defined in University Policy) may have different coverage ending dates depending on their appointment ending dates or graduation date. Please refer to the “Important Dates for Graduate Students with Academic Appointments, Fellows, and Certificate Trainees (as Defined in University Policy)” table on this page.
How to Enroll
- Go to my.pitt.edu
- If not already selected, select "Students" from the "Roles" choices (click "Sign in" at upper right corner, then select from the "Campus & Roles" pop-up menu options)
- Search for "Student Health Insurance"
- Find the option for "Student Health Insurance" (Benefitsolver) and launch the portal, logging in via Pitt Passport if not logged in
- The portal can also be launched by direct link (select the "Start" button and login via Pitt Passport if not logged in)
- Continue through the online enrollment and payment process
- Payment can be made on a monthly, recurring basis via a credit or debit card or through a checking or savings account
Attesting to Coverage through the Benefitsolver Portal
There are two options in the Benefitsolver portal in which you can select when enrolling in coverage:
- Wanting to enroll in Pitt insurance
- Attesting to having other insurance
We reserve the right to place a registration hold on academic accounts for international students that do not take any action. A registration hold will prohibit registration for future classes or graduation.
Documentation Requirements for Dependents
Supporting documentation must be submitted to Benefitsolver to cover dependents on your health insurance coverage. Acceptable documentation includes:
Relationship Type |
Required Documentation |
Spouse |
Marriage Certificate |
Domestic Partner |
University approved Affidavit of Domestic Partnership; learn more about the certification of domestic partnership for students. |
Natural Child |
Birth Certificate indicating that you are the child's parent. (A verification of birth can be used as a placeholder; however, a birth certificate must be submitted within 61 days of the child's birth.) |
Adopted Child |
Adoption decree stamped by the circuit clerk. (An adoption placement agreement can be used as a placeholder; however, the adoption decree must be submitted within 61 days of the adoption date.) |
Step Child |
Birth Certificate indicating your spouse is the child's parent and marriage certificate indicating you are married to the child's parent |
Child of Approved Domestic Partner |
Birth Certificate indicating your domestic partner is the child's parent and the University approved Affidavit of Domestic Partnership indicating you are in a domestic partnership with the child’s parent. |
Disabled Over Age Child |
Eligibility will be continued past the age of 26 for dependent children who, as medically certified by a physician, are incapable of self-support due to mental or physical disability, mental illness or a developmental disability that started before age 19. Initial certification with the insurance carriers as well as an annual recertification is required. Please contact carriers with questions. |
Legal Guardianship |
Court documentation signed by a judge and stamped by the circuit clerk |
Adjudicated Child |
Judicial Support Order from a judge or a copy of Qualified Medical Support Order with the page that indicates the member must provide health insurance through the employer. |
Death of a Dependent |
A death certificate is required to remove a dependent from coverage in the case of death. |
Divorce |
A Divorce Decree is required to remove a former spouse from coverage in the case of a divorce. |
Spouse/Domestic Partner Employment Change |
Used to add or remove a spouse/domestic partner due to an employment change. Acceptable documentation includes:
Important Dates for Graduate Students with Academic Appointments
Appointed Grad Student Scenario | Coverage Information and Effective Dates |
Graduating fall term | Coverage ends December 31; offered COBRA for January 1 |
Graduating spring term (two-term appointment) | $0 premium until August 31; offered COBRA for September 1 |
Appointment ends fall term, not graduating | Student must enroll for continued coverage effect January 1; student is responsible for premium payments effective January 1 through August 31 |
Appointment begins fall term, ends spring term, not graduating (two-term appointment) | $0 premium until coverage ends August 31 |
Appointment ends before end of spring term, by March 31 or prior | Coverage ends month that appointment ends; offered COBRA first month after appointment ends |
COBRA Benefits
When your Academic Appointment (GSA, GSR, TA, TF, Pre-Doctoral Fellow, Certificate Trainee as defined by University Policy) with the University ends, you and your dependents may be eligible to enroll in COBRA. For information pertaining to COBRA eligibility, please refer to the COBRA Eligibility section below. COBRA allows you to continue your current health coverage for a set period of time at a different rate. Please note that these rates are often higher. All plans include a 2% admin fee.
Current COBRA coverage rates are equal to the full cost of your current election plus a 2% admin fee.
COBRA Eligibility
The following groups are eligible for COBRA coverage:
- Appointed Graduate Students (GSR, GSA, TA, TF, Pre-Doc Fellow & Certificate Trainees as defined in University Policy) whose appointment has terminated and they are no longer enrolled in courses as an active student.
- Post-Doctoral Fellows and Health Science Fellows whose appointment has terminated.
*Note: Graduate Students without an Appointment and Full-Time Undergraduate students are not eligible for COBRA. Coverage for these students will term at the end of the academic year on August 31st unless they experience a Qualified Life Event.
How to Elect COBRA Coverage
In order to continue coverage for yourself and your qualified dependents, you must complete a continuation election form from UPMC Benefit Management Services within 60 days of the date of the notice or 60 days from the date of termination of coverage, whichever is later. This form will be automatically sent to you when you become eligible. If you mail your election form after this deadline, continuation will be denied.
Your coverage will remain with the same insurance carriers and they will continue to process your claims. Questions regarding coverage should be directed to your insurance carrier.
For additional information, please call Benefit Management Services at 1-888-499-6885.
*Effective Jan. 1, 2025, eBenefits will transition to Benefitsolver. While the name will change, there won’t be any other changes to the coverage, enrollment system, processes or contact numbers.