Mindful Wellness

Mindful Wellness

Mindful wellness is about defining your individual purpose in life and learning more about yourself in the process. We often forget how important it is to regularly check in with ourselves, both mentally and spiritually, instead getting caught up in work and life that we don't realize we need to take a step back and regroup until we're already stressed and overworked. With mental health resources available on campus and services like mindfulness on the go, stress management sessions offered at the MyHealth@Work Health & Wellness Center, and an inclusive community that will allow you to express your spirituality and beliefs comfortably, Pitt is there to be your partner as you discover mindful wellness strategies that work for you.

Mindful Wellness Resources

Mental Health & Wellness: Your mental health requires as many check-ins as your physical health; it is important to remember that to balance your wellness, you must spend equal time caring for your mind as you do your body. The Mental Wellness Task Force, as part of the UPMC Healthy Lifestyle Program, offers a Lunch and Learn series about mental health on campus, as well as a seasonal Mental Wellness Book Club. Resources are also available for the Pitt community online, including webinars and counseling through Life Solutions.

Mindfulness on the Go: The MyHealth@Work Health & Wellness Center on campus provides services and programs for employees and students to use to bring more balance to your mindful wellness. One-on-one health coaching includes sessions like mindfulness on the go, which offers practices like breathing exercises and stress management techniques you can use at work or on your own.

Local Places of Worship: Mindfulness is more than just caring for your mental health. It's also about learning how to connect with your community and find purpose and intent within yourself. There are many local places of worship surrounding Pitt and the Oakland neighborhood in Pittsburgh for you to explore on your own.

Additional Resources

Practicing mindfulness is an important part of your journey to wellness. Learn what it takes to strengthen your overall wellness with the help of Life Solutions and monthly webinars that show you how to put mindful and emotional practices into action. A one-on-one appointment with a health coach or a Lunch & Learn session can also help you gauge your stress level and make personalized lifestyle changes.

The Office of Cross Cultural and Leadership Development is open to students who would like to take part in a leadership experience opportunity, like the Emerging Leaders program, or join a student organization on campus. The Center on Race and Social Problems aims to bring Pitt's faculty, staff, and students together to promote social justice, create a diverse and inclusive community for all, and help individuals take purposeful action in life. You can also find additional resources for any religious affiliation through the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.