Student Loan Assistance

The University of Pittsburgh is collaborating with TIAA and public benefit company Savi to provide current University faculty and staff with assistance in navigating repayment plans and federal student loan programs, such as the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program.

Navigating student loans can be complicated and overwhelming, and there are a variety of eligibility requirements necessary to qualify for a number of programs. With TIAA's and Savi's assistance, faculty and staff can:

  • Get help navigating and applying for federal loan repayment and forgiveness programs, like the PSLF program
  • Learn about lowering your interest rate, consolidating loans, or reducing your payments
  • Discover if other benefits or programs are available

Savi and TIAA will provide objective and reliable advice to help you manage federal and private student debt--including loans that you may have taken out for dependents.

Enrolling in Savi

Tools and Services through Savi

What to Expect When Using Savi

Taking the first step towards applying for PSLF or another forgiveness program with Savi? Here's what to expect:

  • You must be enrolled in Savi Essential Service to take advantage of Savi's administrative support and assistance with applying for a student loan forgiveness program.
  • Beyond asking for your basic information, Savi handles the administration and submission of your student loan forgiveness program form.
    • For the PSLF program, this is called the Employment Certification Form (ECF); the ECF must be submitted annually for the PSLF program
  • After filling out your part of the form via the online submission process, Savi will manually check your form for any errors or omissions.
  • Savi then sends the form to the University of Pittsburgh to verify your employment.
  • After verifying your employment, the University sends the form back to Savi.
  • Savi then submits the form to the servicer to be processed.
  • The University has waived the $70 essential service fee for eligible employees.

Savi provides ongoing support after the submission of relevant forms and will work with you if and when future action needs to be taken, including assistance with transferring your loans to a new loan servicer and/or applying for loan repayment plans.

Frequently Asked Questions

Need Help? Contact Savi

Questions about your Savi account; applying for loan forgiveness programs; navigating repayment plans; or items related to the PLSF program, eligibility, or submitting the ECF should be directed to Savi.

You can contact Savi by chatting with online support on Savi's website or by calling 833-945-0654 weekdays between 8:30 am - 8:00 pm (ET).