Dental Plans and Rates

All information presented on this page, including links to plan documents and descriptions, is specific to the plan year of July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025.

Pitt employees may choose among three dental plans offered by United Concordia Dental, including a dental health maintenance organization (DHMO) plan and a traditional indemnity program with two "flex" plan designs.

The Pennsylvania DHMO, Concordia Plus Managed Care (PA Only), includes 100 percent coverage of preventative services, as well as access to University Dental Health Services. The traditional indemnity programs, Concordia Flex I and II, offer access to a broad network of dentists, as well as full coverage preventive services when performed by an in-network dentist.

University Faculty and Staff employees who choose to receive dental care through the University of Pittsburgh’s School of Dental Medicine will receive a 10% discount on all services not covered by insurance. Please note that this discount is subject to change at the discretion of the University of Pittsburgh’s School of Dental Medicine. To learn more about this discount program and how to become a patient at Pitt Dental Medicine, please call 412–648–8616 or visit

Dental Plan Rates and Descriptions

View the current plan year's rates (Faculty and Staff)

Concordia Plus Managed Care (PA Only) DHMO

  • Requires the selection of a network primary dental office (PDO) in Western Pennsylvania. If one is not selected at enrollment, University Dental Health Services will be assigned. Each participant can have their own PDO.
    • For all existing participants: in order to change your PDO, you must contact United Concordia directly at 1-877-215-3616 prior to seeking services.
    • Any change to your PDO made after the 28th of the month will be effective after two (2) months.
  • Electing the DHMO means having a limited network and would require a change in dentists/dental facilities if the currently selected dentist leaves the DHMO network.
  • All dental services, including emergency dental services, must be coordinated through the assigned Primary Dental Office. Otherwise, services will not be covered. There is no out-of-network coverage.
  • Charges no annual deductible or annual plan-year maximum.
  • Covers 100 percent of the cost of cleanings, exams, and other preventative services.
  • Provides partial coverage of orthodontics for eligible dependents up to age 19.
  • Learn more about the DHMO plan in this FAQ.
  • Note: If you live, or are planning to live, outside of the Western PA area, it is recommended that you do not select the Concordia Plus Managed Care plan. The coverage/in-network area for the Concordia Plus Managed Care (DHMO) plan is limited to the Western PA area.

Benefit Guide  |   Certificate of Coverage

Concordia Flex I

  • Allows participants to choose dentists from a broad network.
  • Covers 100 percent of the cost of preventive services after the deductible is met when services are performed by an in-network dentist. When services are performed by an out-of-network dentist, balance billing may occur up to the dentist charge.

Benefit Guide   |  Certificate of Coverage   |   My Dental Benefits   |   PPO FAQs   |   Advantage Plus Network

Concordia Flex II

  • Allows participants to choose dentists from a broad network.
  • Charges no annual deductible for preventative, diagnostic, and orthodontic services.
  • Covers 100 percent of the cost of preventive services when services are performed by an in-network dentist. When services are performed by an out-of-network dentist, balance billing may occur up to the dentist charge.
  • Provides partial coverage of orthodontics for eligible dependents up to age 19.

Benefit Guide   |  Certificate of Coverage  |   My Dental Benefits   |   PPO FAQs   |   Advantage Plus Network

Questions? Contact United Concordia online or by phone at 1-877-215-3616.

Dental Benefit Providers

To locate participating providers in United Concordia's network:

  1. Go to and select "Find a Dentist."
  2. Elect to search by location or provider name and complete search fields.
  3. Select your network:
  • Pennsylvania DHMO Plan Primary Dental Office participants select DHMO Concordia Plus General Dentist in the “Select Network” search box located in Western PA ONLY.
  • United Concordia FLEX I or FLEX II participants select Advantage Plus.
  1. Review search results:
  • Practices that come up in this section are covered within the network you are searching.
  • For the Pennsylvania DHMO Concordia Plus General Dentist networks, select the desired practice to find the Provider ID to use for the PDO Code.* Use the 9 digit Provider ID, including leading zeros, to designate the PDO(s) when enrolling.

* Please note: If electing the United Concordia PLUS Managed Care DHMO (PA Only) plan, you are required to select a network primary dental office (PDO) in Western PA ONLY. Please use the Provider to designate the PDO when enrolling. Claims will be denied for services provided by anyone other than the designated PDO. If a PDO is not elected at enrollment, University Dental Health Services will be assigned. Each participant can have their own PDO. To update PDO after initial enrollment to a different Western PA PDO, call United Concordia at 1-877-215-3616.

View screenshot instructions for assistance in searching for a provider.

Download the United Concordia Dental app and find all your coverage info in one place online.


Please visit the Glossary of Terms page for commonly used medical terms and definitions.