Benefits Premium Collections

Benefits premiums for health and welfare coverage are deducted from the employee’s paycheck. These deductions can occur on a pre-tax or after-tax basis depending on the election and employee’s job category. Individuals with insufficient funds to cover the entire cost of the premium through payroll deductions have the responsibility to pay direct billing invoice(s) via personal check or money order.

Individuals are responsible for reviewing the benefit deductions and retirement plan contributions on their pay statement for each benefit plan every pay period. Pay statements are available through Pitt Worx (after logging in, select "Employee Payslip"). For any discrepancies, please contact the Benefits Department by submitting an inquiry online.

General Information on Taxation

The University offers a wide variety of benefits to faculty and staff. IRS section 125 allows for certain employer-provided health and welfare benefits to be excluded from wages when calculating an employee’s taxable income.

Learn more on the Payroll Department's website:

Premium Collections by Employee Pay Schedule

Premium Collections and Taxation of Other Benefits

Tax Implications of a Domestic Partnership

After-Tax Deduction

The University follows guidance of the IRS in determining taxation of benefits. The employee contribution towards the cost of adding a domestic partner will be taken on an after-tax basis.

To calculate the after-tax deduction, please see the below example:

Electing two adult coverage under Panther Gold
(July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024)

Two Adult Contribution      $331
Individual Contribution      - $91
Total After-Tax Amount    $240

Imputed Income

Imputed income is the estimated value of the employer’s financial contribution towards health insurance coverage for domestic partners and must be reported as taxable wages earned. This tax penalty, depending on the individual and the estimated value of the health benefit, can be large. You are advised to consult with your own tax counsel to better understand the taxation prior to electing the benefit coverage for your individual circumstance.

To calculate the imputed income for the difference in adding a domestic partner, please see the below example.

Electing two adult coverage under Panther Gold
(July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024)

Two Adult University Contribution      $1,285
Individual University Contribution       - $553
Total Imputed Income Amount             $732

Please review the below sample pay statement that reflects how this taxation will apply.

For more information, please visit the Domestic Partners Benefits page.