University Community Members, Visitors, Family, and Friends
Information about external insurance sources is available to anyone in the pursuit of opportunities for enrollment in a medical insurance plan or program. The resources listed below are intended to assist a person without eligibility for enrollment in a medical insurance group plan through any employer with their pursuit.
Below is a list of some external companies and agencies intended for reference use, but not intended to be either an exhaustive list or an endorsement by the University who does not sponsor such programs directly.
Highmark Blue Cross/ Blue Shield
Highmark offers a variety of insurance programs to meet the different needs of people in search of health care. There are programs requiring a medical evaluation, programs that guarantee coverage regardless of your current health, and programs based on income that offer low cost or free health coverage to those that need it.
UPMC Health Plan
UPMC offers a spectrum of different individual health care plans to accommodate a wide range of people in need of health insurance. UPMC can offer customers short term insurance to travelers, life long insurance for senior citizens and everything in between.
Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
CHIP is a low cost or cost free insurance program for children who do not have insurance coverage.