Mandated Reporting & Child Protection Training

If you have direct contact with children through your Pitt employment and/or volunteer work, the University recommends that you get training on the recognition and reporting of child abuse. One place to do this is through a free online program developed by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) and the Pitt School of Social Work's Child Welfare Resource Center.

In addition, DHS and each county agency will conduct a continuing publicity and education program for Pennsylvania residents aimed at the prevention of child abuse and child neglect. DHS will provide information related to the recognition and reporting of child abuse on its website through printable booklets and brochures, educational videos, and internet-based interactive training exercises. More information from DHS on training requirements and services is available online.

In response to Pennsylvania Act 31—which requires all employees in the state who regularly come in contact with children to receive training in the recognition and reporting of child abuse—the University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work has developed a comprehensive online training program.     

All University employees whose positions require Child Protection Clearances are required to complete this training, although it is recommended for all employees. As a reminder, all University employees, regardless of whether your position requires Child Protection Clearances, have an obligation to report suspected abuse of a child under PA law, whether it be serious bodily injury, sexual abuse, serious mental injury, serious physical neglect, or human trafficking.

You must make a report to both ChildLine and the Pitt Police.

*Reporting to the Pitt Concern Connection does not fulfill the requirements of mandatory reporting under Pennsylvania law

Employees whose positions require Child Protection Clearances will be required to complete this training as part of the clearance recertification process, which occurs every five years. New employees whose positions require Child Protection Clearances must complete the training within 30 days of their start date and every five years thereafter as part of the clearance recertification process.