Applying for Child Protection Clearances

Certain offers of employment or appointments, including certain volunteers, with the University of Pittsburgh will be contingent upon satisfactory results of the following Child Protection Clearances:

  • Pennsylvania Criminal History Report (PATCH)
  • Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance (ChildLine)
  • FBI Criminal History Report

ProVerify powered by Application Verification (ProVerify) is the University's vendor to manage Child Protection Clearances. ProVerify works with University Responsibility Centers (RC) to ensure that the University complies with Child Protection Clearance policies and Pennsylvania state laws.

Applying for Clearances

The University of Pittsburgh has selected ProVerify powered by Application Verification (ProVerify) to help administer the Child Protection Clearances process. A request initiated by either the RC Admin or Talent Center integration starts the process after the new employee has accepted the offer of employment.

The ProVerify processing team will reach out to each new employee to coordinate the criminal background clearances required to perform each employee's responsibilities. The following describes an overview of the process:

  • ProVerify's professional staff will coordinate criminal clearance processing during a screening call. This call takes about 15-20 minutes depending on if the individual is a new hire or needs recertification.
  • During the call ProVerify’s professional staff will identify a fingerprinting collection site, provide a FBI fingerprinting code, and issue a ChildLine code.
    • The new hire will be provided instructions and location information for completing the requested screening services.
    • As a follow-up to the call, all required screening documents including fingerprinting registration and both FBI fingerprinting and ChildLine codes will be emailed to the new hire.

Unless administration informs you otherwise, you will be responsible for any associated costs for obtaining the required Child Protection Clearances.

Any clearances that require a review will be forwarded by the ProVerify team to Employee and Labor Relations concerning any disqualifying offenses.

New employees and appointees must have satisfactory clearances on record with ProVerify prior to the start of employment. New hires are not permitted to begin employment until all of their Child Protection Clearances have been submitted and approved.

Questions about the Child Protection Clearance process should be directed to ProVerify by emailing