OHR Providing Solutions Through HR Insights e-News Brief. Subscribe Today!

October 8, 2024

Looking for solutions to your most common HR questions?

Tips and tricks on navigating HR systems, processes and procedures?

Available tools to help you get things done?

Reminders on events and policy matters?

Look no further. HR Insights is here!

UPDATE: Our first issue went out on Sept. 16, and our next edition is about to be sent!

HR Insights is a no-nonsense e-news brief, sent out regularly, and sharing knowledge directly from the subject matter experts in the Office of Human Resources. We will start out on a monthly basis, but may increase in frequency, depending on demand.

We promise to keep these brief and to the point, providing you with one insightful, helpful or meaningful piece of information each time it's delivered to your inbox!

Subscribe online today, and we'll make sure you don't miss any issues of this informational new resource!

For those wondering about the differences between the OHR newsletter While You Were Working and HR Insights, here's a breakdown:

While You Were Working: HR Insights:
  • Sent out quarterly
  • Contains multiple articles on various topics OHR believes will be of interest to subscribers
  • Articles are often longer, focused on general information sharing and promotion
  • Designed for audience of all employees across our University Community
  • Sent out monthly (at start, with potential to be delivered more regularly)
  • Will typically be limited to ONE piece of useful information such as short cuts, quick tips, and how to’s
  • Will be more brief, fact-based and focused on providing solutions
  • Designed for audience of employees who utilize HR services, systems, and processes